beautiful soul.

Somewhere along the way, your powerful intuition and spiritual connection faded. It’s time now to reconnect with Source.

My Story

After a cult-like experience early on in my life, my family swore off church. So, I grew up church hopping with friends. And, I deeply loved God. From a young age, I always felt spiritually tethered to source, to love, to a force beyond comprehension or words. My lens of spirituality was and is largely is informed by the American Christian experience, and the undercurrent of health & wealth doctrine & spiritual bypassing could be felt in every church or camp I ever went to. I felt deeply connected to God when I would lose myself in worship, or when I was out alone in nature … unbeknownst to me at the time, it was when I was able to separate from my human ego & “shoulds” of faith & of society, unwind my nervous system, and re-ground into my natural born divine essence.

I was the “good Christian girl” for decades… but when I went through nearly two dozen procedures and surgeries and endured pregnancy losses, I had grief my cookie-cutter faith couldn’t hold. It was messy and oozed out of the boxes I tried to fit it into. The spiritual bypassing of these losses seared my soul like nails on a chalkboard singe your inner ears. I believe in the power of prayer, don’t get me wrong…but I needed TOOLS. I needed real tools to deal with my very real mental health struggles of grief, PTSD, and anxiety that were debilitating me.

I finally went to therapy…which was taboo at the time in my cookie-cutter Christian circle. It opened up an entire new world for me. I was then introduced to a myriad of mindful practices that changed my life: meditation, breath work, inner child work, EMDR, and yoga. Yoga was the first time I felt true peace in my mind, body, and spirit simultaneously. I was astounded by the impact all of these modalities had on me. They were not taboo, or scary. But they did sometimes have some woo-woo spirituality that didn’t make a lot of sense to me yet at that time…so I started to implement and infuse my spiritual lens of Christianity to those practices…it led me down a rabbit hole…which led me to show up to central park on a Saturday morning to try something called “Holy Yoga”.

It was the first time I experienced the alchemy and power of yoking God’s truths with breath and movement, and stillness…and it all clicked. From there my passion for bridging these two worlds of Christian faith and mindful modalities that seemed to avoid one another was birthed. I got Holy Yoga certified (RYT-200) in 2017 & it was the most healing experience of my adult life.

It healed parts of my story and my heart nothing else had before, I experienced God in such profound ways, I couldn’t unsee and unfeel what was happening when I was getting on my mat. It’s one thing to read a scripture like “surrender your cares to the Lord”...but it is another to yoke that scripture with a surrendering breath and opening your body in such a way that your muscles, emotions stored, energetic channels and chakras (that God created) can be released.

Issues are in the tissues, and the stand-up/sit down, recite these words at this time, carpeted church, sterile faith just doesn’t get there. It breeds disconnection with the self, the body, the intuition. Not to mention the purity culture and undertones to distrust the feminine essence and power we women in the church are ALWAYS subject to receive… whether we are actually aware of it or not. I felt that my body was inherently “bad” or unworthy of feeling good…yet it held the very keys to the freedom I was yearning for all these years.

For the past 6 years I’ve deep-dived into mindful modalities and how they parallel and heal the divine design God imprinted us with. We are not bodies with souls, we are souls with bodies.

And to care for the entire mind, body and soul in each season this side of heaven that our human form holds is the greatest adventure one can be on. That is what I want to invite people into…this grand adventure and mystery. I’m enthralled with the dance between physical and nonphysical, and cannot escape the innate wild woman that I am, the deep pull I have to the natural elements of the created earth, of creation, and the divine dance of what it is to be human in the spectrum of it all.

I’m dedicated to guiding you toward a harmonious blend of physical wellness and spiritual depth.

Through heartfelt guidance, meditations, breathwork, yoga, and embodiment practices,

I assist you in peeling back the layers of societal expectations to engage with your spiritual self. This nurtures a practice that is both grounding and elevating.

I merge contemplative Christian principles with the physical discipline of yoga and a myriad of mindful practices, supporting you in your pursuit of spiritual alignment and holistic presence.

My mission is to empower you on your transformative journey, helping you to embrace every season of life with grace.

Every season of life carries profound meaning and spiritual growth.

My Commitment

Nature-Infused Spirituality: We cherish the divine dance of life, intertwining the rhythms of nature with soulful introspection, fostering a bond between the earth and one's spirit.

Authentic Exploration: Encouraging a childlike wonder, we guide individuals on a journey to both the world outside and the universe within, awakening the raw, genuine essence of self and spirit.

Communal Harmony: Recognizing the transformative power of community, we cultivate spaces of trust, vulnerability, and shared exploration, where every soul feels seen, heard, and deeply connected.